Since 1712, our family has been traveling through time with wine. Here, you can read about how it all began, what we do, and who we are.
If you want to know a little bit more about wine, then let's go to our school desk.
A lot of things happen to all of us on a daily basis. In this space, we want to give you occasional updates on what’s going on with us.
If you would like to stay overnight in Pünderich, just check out if you like our holiday apartments.
It is fun to celebrate. You will find a selection of potential dates here.
You’d like to stay in touch with us? We’re happy to hear it! Here, you can write to, call, or visit us.
ökologischer Weinbau / eco viniculture
Mitglied im Verband ECOVIN e.V.
Member of ECOVIN e.V.
kontakt / contact